Results for 'Gary E. Machlis'

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  1.  99
    Personhood, Ethics, and Animal Cognition: Situating Animals in Hare’s Two Level Utilitarianism.Gary E. Varner - 2012 - , US: Oup Usa.
    Drawing heavily on recent empirical research to update R.M. Hare's two-level utilitarianism and expand Hare's treatment of "intuitive level rules," Gary Varner considers in detail the theory's application to animals while arguing that Hare should have recognized a hierarchy of persons, near-persons, & the merely sentient.
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    Gravitoinertial force versus the direction of balance in the perception and control of orientation.Gary E. Riccio & Thomas A. Stoffregen - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (1):135-137.
  3. Populär-Wissenschaftliche Vorlesungen. E. Mach - 1924 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 4 (6):49-50.
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    Is mystical experience everywhere the same?Gary E. Kessler & Norman Prigge - 1982 - Sophia 21 (1):39-55.
  5.  45
    Transnational Models for Regulation of Nanotechnology.Gary E. Marchant & Douglas J. Sylvester - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (4):714-725.
    There is much we do not know about nanotechnology. Despite its tremendous promise, nanotechnology today is mostly forecast and fervent hope. Predictions that spending on nanotechnology will increase from current levels of $13 billion to more than $1 trillion by 2015 are no more than that – simply predictions. Hopes that nanotechnology will be an essential part of solving the globe's energy, food, and water problems should be tempered by recalling a century of revolutionary technologies that failed to live up (...)
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  6. Facts and Mental Symbols. E. Mach - 1892 - Philosophical Review 1:233.
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  7. Les idées directrices de ma théorie de la connaissance dans les sciences naturelles et l'accueil qu'elles ont reçu chez les contemporains. E. Mach & La RedacciÓn - 1910 - Scientia 4 (7 Supplement):125-140.
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  8. On the Psychology and Natural Development of Geometry. E. Mach - 1902 - The Monist 12:481.
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    Movement dynamics and the environment to be perceived.Gary E. Riccio, Richard E. A. van Emmerik & Brian T. Peters - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):237-238.
    In perception science, an alternative to focusing on individual sensory systems is to describe the environment to be perceived. We focus on the emergent dynamics of human-environment interactions as an important category of the environment to be perceived. We argue that information about such dynamics is available in subtle patterns of movement variability that, of necessity, stimulate multiple sensory systems.
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    No holism without pluralism.Gary E. Varner - 1991 - Environmental Ethics 13 (2):175-179.
    In his recent essay on moral pluralism in environmental ethics, J. Baird Callicott exaggerates the advantages of monism, ignoring the environmentally unsound implications of Leopold’s holism. In addition, he fails to see that Leopold’s view requires the same kind of intellectual schitzophrenia for which he criticizes the version of moral pluralism advocated by Christopher D. Stone in Earth and Other Ethics. If itis plausible to say that holistic entities like ecosystems are directly morally considerable-and that is a very big if-it (...)
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  11. Risk management principles for nanotechnology.Gary E. Marchant, Douglas J. Sylvester & Kenneth W. Abbott - 2008 - NanoEthics 2 (1):43-60.
    Risk management of nanotechnology is challenged by the enormous uncertainties about the risks, benefits, properties, and future direction of nanotechnology applications. Because of these uncertainties, traditional risk management principles such as acceptable risk, cost–benefit analysis, and feasibility are unworkable, as is the newest risk management principle, the precautionary principle. Yet, simply waiting for these uncertainties to be resolved before undertaking risk management efforts would not be prudent, in part because of the growing public concerns about nanotechnology driven by risk perception (...)
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    What Does the History of Technology Regulation Teach Us about Nano Oversight?Gary E. Marchant, Douglas J. Sylvester & Kenneth W. Abbott - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (4):724-731.
    Nanotechnology is the latest in a growing list of emerging technologies that includes nuclear technologies, genetics, reproductive biology, biotechnology, information technology, robotics, communication technologies, surveillance technologies, synthetic biology, and neuroscience. As was the case for many of the technologies that came before, a key question facing nanotechnology is what type of regulatory oversight is appropriate for this emerging technology. As two of us wrote several years ago, the question facing nanotechnology is not whether it will be regulated, but when and (...)
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  13.  20
    Perception of motion with respect to multiple criteria.Gary E. Riccio - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):326-328.
  14. Dialogue, text, narrative: confronting Gadamer and Ricoeur.Gary E. Aylesworth - 2016 - In Hugh J. Silverman (ed.), Gadamer and Hermeneutics: Science, Culture, Literature. Routledge. pp. 63--81.
  15.  94
    E-z reader 7 provides a platform for explaining how low- and high-level linguistic processes influence eye movements.Gary E. Raney - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (4):498-499.
    E-Z Reader 7 is a processing model of eye-movement control. One constraint imposed on the model is that high-level cognitive processes do not influence eye movements unless normal reading processes are disturbed. I suggest that this constraint is unnecessary, and that the model provides a sensible architecture for explaining how both low- and high-level processes influence eye movements.
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  16. Biological functions and biological interests.Gary E. Varner - 1990 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):251-270.
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  17.  11
    Cost constrainto and Emergency Treatment.Gary E. Jones - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (5):50-51.
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  18.  22
    Death and after death.Gary E. Jones - 1979 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 4 (3):234-238.
  19.  59
    Preferential treatment and the allocation of scarce medical resources.Gary E. Jones - 1985 - Philosophical Quarterly 35 (141):382-393.
    In this essay it will be argued that if preferential treatment for individuals who have suffered from past discrimination is permissible in any context, it should be extended to the allocation of scarce medical resources. This contention will be based on two facts: one, that health care, in particular certain life-saving operations, constitutes a scarce social good similar to but more important than other social goods such as desirable jobs and positions in desirable professional schools; secondly, that a claim can (...)
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  20.  18
    Charles William Kegley 1912 - 1986.Gary E. Kessler - 1986 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 60 (2):260 - 261.
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  21.  38
    Aristotle’s “theology”.Gary E. Kessler - 1978 - Sophia 17 (2):1-9.
  22. (1 other version)Consciousness and Self-Regulation.Gary E. Schwartz & D. H. Shapiro (eds.) - 1976 - Plenum.
  23.  55
    A response to Preus.Gary E. Jones - 1984 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 9 (4):417-418.
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    Medical malpractice and the legal standard of care.Gary E. Jones - 1989 - Journal of Medical Humanities 10 (1):45-54.
    In this essay, I examine the relationship between lawsuits for medical malpractice and the legal standard of care. I suggest that there is an insidious, dynamic relationship between physicians' reactions to the recent increase in malpractice litigation and an artificial elevation of the legal standard of care. Since, that is, the legal standard for proper medical care is based upon the community standard of care rather than the reasonable person standard, to the extent that overtreatment or “defensive” medicine becomes widespread (...)
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  25.  38
    Popper, theories, and observations.Gary E. Jones - 1982 - Erkenntnis 18 (3):335 - 341.
  26.  23
    Fear conditioning and extinction as a function of escape from black to white vs. escape from white to black.Gary E. Brown, Rod Guthrie & Paul Blaes - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (6):450-452.
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    Terminating life: conflicting values in health care.Gary E. McCuen - 1985 - Hudson, Wis.: Gary E. McCuen Publications. Edited by Therese Boucher.
    Essays examine various sides of medical ethics issues such as euthanasia, organ transplants, and living wills.
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    Individual differences in subtle awareness and levels of awareness: Olfaction as a model system.Gary E. Schwartz - 2000 - In Robert G. Kunzendorf & Benjamin Wallace (eds.), Individual Differences in Conscious Experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 209.
  29. R. Philip Buckley, Husserl, Heidegger, and the Crisis of Philosophical Responsibility Reviewed by.Gary E. Aylesworth - 1995 - Philosophy in Review 15 (1):11-13.
  30.  18
    Contrasting Medical and Legal Standards of Evidence: A Precision Medicine Case Study.Gary E. Marchant, Kathryn Scheckel & Doug Campos-Outcalt - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (1):194-204.
    As the health care system transitions to a precision medicine approach that tailors clinical care to the genetic profile of the individual patient, there is a potential tension between the clinical uptake of new technologies by providers and the legal system's expectation of the standard of care in applying such technologies. We examine this tension by comparing the type of evidence that physicians and courts are likely to rely on in determining a duty to recommend pharmacogenetic testing of patients prescribed (...)
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    On the Classical Limit in Bohm’s Theory.Gary E. Bowman - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (4):605-625.
    The standard means of seeking the classical limit in Bohmian mechanics is through the imposition of vanishing quantum force and quantum potential for pure states. We argue that this approach fails, and that the Bohmian classical limit can be realized only by combining narrow wave packets, mixed states, and environmental decoherence.
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  32.  15
    Preferential Treatment and Individual Rights.Gary E. Jones - 1982 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 63 (3):289-295.
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    Linguistic Development and the Semiotic Stream of Awareness.Gary E. Raney - 1987 - Semiotics:115-122.
  34.  29
    A Philosopher's Fortune.Gary E. Overvold - 2001 - Idealistic Studies 31 (2-3):135-148.
    Edmund Husserl's historical importance is marked by a curious conjunction. He is easily among the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century and yet no one has taken up his view. The first of these has received a monumental amount of consideration, the second virtually none. But the second, in its own way, is at least equally remarkable. In this essay I will consider why his view of philosophy found no subscribers and what we might make of this legacy of (...)
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  35. The Foundationalist Conflict in Husserl's Rationalism.Gary E. Overvold - 1991 - Analecta Husserliana 34:441.
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    Editor's Preface.Gary E. Overvold - 2015 - Idealistic Studies 45 (2):5-5.
  37.  33
    "Cognitive Semiotics.Gary E. Raney - 1985 - Semiotics:56-63.
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    Psychobiology of repression and health: A systems approach.Gary E. Schwartz - 1990 - In Jerome L. Singer (ed.), Repression and Dissociation: Implications for Personality Theory, Psychopathology and Health. University of Chicago Press. pp. 405--434.
  39. Lying and intentions.Gary E. Jones - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (4):347-349.
    In this essay I criticize recent attempts to prove that the concept of lying does not include the intent to deceive. I argue that examples by Isenberg and Carson fail to prove that one can lie without intending to deceive and, furthermore, that untoward consequences would follow if these authors were correct. I conclude that since intending to deceive is indeed a necessary condition of lying, the class of statements that constitute lies is smaller than what Isenberg et al. would (...)
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  40. Richard Brons.Gary E. Aylesworth - 2002 - In Hugh J. Silverman (ed.), Lyotard: Philosophy, Politics and the Sublime. New York: Routledge. pp. 8--281.
  41.  25
    Subjects and Simulations: Between Baudrillard and Lacoue-Labarthe.Gary E. Aylesworth, Bettina Bergo, Thomas P. Brockelman, Alina Clej, Damian Ward Hey, Drew A. Hyland, Basil O'Neill, Henk Oosterling, Stephen David Ross, Katherine Rudolph, Robin May Schott, Massimo Verdicchio, James R. Watson & Martin G. Weiss (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Subjects and Simulations presents essays focused on suffering and sublimity, representation and subjectivity, and the relation of truth and appearance through engagement with the legacies of Jean Baudrillard and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe.
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    Affective visual stimuli as operant reinforcers of the GSR.Gary E. Schwartz & Harold J. Johnson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (1):28.
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    El desafío de una medicina: teorías de la salud y ocho “Hipótesis del Mundo”.Gary E. Schwartz & Linda G. Russek - 2003 - Polis 5.
    Los autores abordan el desafío de integrar la medicina convencional, la medicina psicosomática, y la medicina alternativa, necesario, según señalan, no sólo por razones clínicas y económicas, sino por el desafío de crear una teoría comprehensiva que integre la riqueza de datos aparentemente disparatados y teorías de la salud y la enfermedad en un todo organizado. Se trata de llegar a una medicina integrada. En este trabajo los autores identifican ocho visiones fundacionales sobre la naturaleza, cada una de las cuales (...)
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    Motivation and the games people play.Gary E. Bolton - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (1-2):1-2.
    Laboratory studies find a strategic component to moral behaviour that differs in significant ways from common perceptions of how morality works. Models based on a preference for relative payoffs offer an explanation.
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  45.  48
    The right to health care and the state.Gary E. Jones - 1983 - Philosophical Quarterly 33 (132):279-287.
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    The problems with forbidding science.Gary E. Marchant & Lynda L. Pope - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (3):375-394.
    Scientific research is subject to a number of regulations which impose incidental (time, place), rather than substantive (type of research), restrictions on scientific research and the knowledge created through such research. In recent years, however, the premise that scientific research and knowledge should be free from substantive regulation has increasingly been called into question. Some have suggested that the law should be used as a tool to substantively restrict research which is dual-use in nature or which raises moral objections. There (...)
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  47.  29
    Pragmatic Bodies versus Transcendental Egos.Gary E. Kessler - 1978 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 14 (2):101 - 119.
  48. What's wrong with animal by-products?Gary E. Varner - 1994 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 7 (1):7-17.
    Without looking beyond the conditions under which laying hens typically live in the contemporary U.S. egg industry, we can understand why the production and consumption of factory farmed eggs could be judged immoral. However, the question, What (if anything) is wrong with animal by-products? cannot always be adequately answered by looking at the conditions under which animals live out their productive lives. For the dairy industry looks benign in those terms, but if we look beyond the conditions under which milk (...)
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    An ecological theory of orientation and the vestibular system.Thomas A. Stoffregen & Gary E. Riccio - 1988 - Psychological Review 95 (1):3-14.
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  50. Lyotard, Gadamer, and the relation between ethics and aesthetics.Gary E. Aylesworth - 2002 - In Hugh J. Silverman (ed.), Lyotard: Philosophy, Politics and the Sublime. New York: Routledge. pp. 8--84.
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